
#3 How to take the financial issue during a working holiday




#3 How to work through the financial issue during working holiday

One mistake charges huge cost

Firstly, let me tell you about my difficult situation during the working holiday.

When my volunteer program was coming to an end, I got the tour guide position at the Japanese tourist company in Yellowknife, which I had longed for a long time. This event is the first step in my currently miserable situation.

After the job started, I realized that I wouldn't be able to improve my English in this workplace. It is because almost all my colleagues were Japanese, and I asked my manager if there was any chance to use English, and he told me there were few positions to speak English and I couldn't provide for you.

Of course, I knew there were a lot of Japanese people before having got the job, but my manager had told me they usually use English at the office.

My purpose of coming to Canada is to improve my English! Therefore, finally I decided to leave the tourist company and Yellowknife.

Wasting money

While staying in Yellowknife, I changed my travel plan to Churchill. The reason why I needed to change them was because the summer season in the Northern Lights tour was until the middle of October. It cost approximately $500 including the cancellation fee for the round train and flights.

The round flight between Calgary and Yellowknife cost about $900. The halfway from Yellowknife to Calgary was expensive due to last-minute booking. Also, I have to rebook the travel to the Churchill. It took $2,313.64 including train tickets, flights and accommodation.

So, the total expense was $3,700!! If I hadn't decided to go to Yellowknife, it would have been just $1,500, so I wasted $2,200!! It is huge money for me.

How to overcome this situation

I sighed and regretted my decision many times, even though it was impossible to know before going through it. There is no choice but to proceed my life. Wasting a lot of money is still suffering me, however, my priority is to improve my English that lead me to get ideal job in Japan.

This regrettable experience made me strong for sure, and the decisions I will make from now would be based on past reflections. I'm sure that my life will get much better as well as my language skills.

If you didn't feel like doing anything due to depression in a bad situation, losing budgets in foreign countries alone like me, you should have to shift your mindset.

That is you can have a chance to overcome and gain strength.



Grammar Rating6.5/10

There are good attempts at communicating complex ideas, but the post needs improvement in sentence structure, idiomatic expressions, and word choices to make it clearer and more fluent.

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One Mistake Can Be Costly

Firstly, let me share my difficult situation during the working holiday.

let me tell よりも let me share の方がフォーマル。ビジネスなどでもよく使われる表現。

When my volunteer program was coming to an end, I was offered a tour guide position at a Japanese tourist company in Yellowknife, which I had been longing for.

仕事を得た→仕事のオファーを受けた(採用を受けた)I was offeredが適切。

オファーを受ける前にずっと切望していたのだから、I had been longing for が正しい。

This event marked the beginning of my current unfortunate situation.


miserable :惨めな、不幸な、哀れな

After starting the job, I realized I wouldn't be able to improve my English in this workplace.

After the job started は奇妙に聞こえるらしい。After starting the job にした方が(主語をyouにした方が)わかりやすい、とのこと。

This was because almost all my colleagues were Japanese. I asked my manager if there would be any opportunity to use English, but he told me there were very few positions where I could speak English, and none were available for me.

直前のことを受けていう場合はThis is because。

position の後のwhere は(条件)の意味。

noneは代名詞。none 主語で使える!!
None were available.
None of them were available.

あなたは利用できる、available for you

Of course, I knew there were a lot of Japanese employees before I took the job, but my manager had told me they usually used English in the office.

people はvague。specificな名詞はしっかり使うこと。

I took the job. 私が仕事を受ける前に。

My main reason for coming to Canada was to improve my English! Therefore, I eventually decided to leave the tourist company and Yellowknife.

My main reason for 〜

eventually の方が「(紆余曲折をして、長い時間かけて)ついに」という意味合いがあるらしい。
finally とどっちでも意味は通じそう。

Wasting Money

While staying in Yellowknife, I had to change my travel plans to Churchill.

The reason I needed to change them was that the summer season for Northern Lights tours lasted until mid-October.

The reason why~ was because のbecauseはredundant とのこと。

last 続く

It cost approximately $500, including the cancellation fee for the round-trip train tickets and flights.

The round-trip flight between Calgary and Yellowknife cost about $900.

The flight from Yellowknife back to Calgary was expensive due to last-minute booking.

The trip from A back to B.

Additionally, I had to rebook my travel to Churchill.

It cost $2,313,64, including train tickets, flights, and accommodation.

So, the total expense was $3,700! If I hadn't gone to Yellowknife, it would have been just $1,500, meaning I wasted $2,200!

had decided to go よりもhad gone to の方が簡潔。

ということは〜、 でmeaning を使える!!

How To Overcome This Situation

I sighed and regretted my decision many times, even though it was impossible to know beforehand.


There is no choice but to move forward with my life.

move forward on ~
~を前に進める、前に動かす→on が一般的(ex:計画を進める)
move forward with my life

The financial loss still haunts me, but my priority is to improve my English, which help me land my ideal job in Japan.

the financial loss →こんな言い方かっこいいよね。

haunt : ~が脳裏に張り付く、(嫌なことが)忘れられない

I suffer from the financial loss. 経済的損失に苦しむ
I cannot suffer such an insult. こんな屈辱には耐えられない
The man suffered serious injuries. その男性は重症を負った

help me land the job: その仕事を獲得する(ものにする)助けになる
→land contract 契約をものにする、勝ち取る

If you're feeling depressed and unmotivated in a bad situation, losing money in a foreign country like I did, you need to shift your mindset.

This is your chance to overcome and grow stronger.

より強く成長する、という意味合いだからgrow stronger

