
#7 Stick to the English Environment




#7 Stick to the English Environment

Which is better for us the Japanese Environment or the English Environment?

As I wrote my story that I had changed my job from the Japanese tour company to the local restaurant, I have to believe that places, where we are, are the most important to improve our language skills.

I totally understand we feel comfortable with Japanese people. And, it is sometimes frustrating for me not to communicate in English properly and smoothly. That's why many Japanese people, especially who came abroad within few months, tend to leave themselves in Japanese environment.

I have to say that, however, you cannot improve your English skills effectively unless you stay there. It is necessary to take English shower like for 24/7.

What is your purpose on your working holiday?

Let's remind yourself of the purpose for your working holiday. What brought you here? In my case, it is improving my English skill in the real English environment. And I take the most of my English skills to get a job in Japan.

To prioritize is crucial when you want to achieve something seriously.

When I decided to change the job in Yellowknife, this judgement hurt myself at the point of my budget. But, I have never been regret that decision because I followed my priority.

Before making a decision, you should consider what your most important priority is.



Rating: 6/10

The blog post is understandable and contains coherent ideas, but there are frequent grammatical errors, awkward phrasing, and incorrect use of prepositions. With more natural phrasing and correction of basic mistakes, the post would reach a higher level.

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coherent idea 首尾一貫した考え

Which is better for us, the Japanese Environment or the English Environment?


As I wrote in my story about changing jobs from a Japanese tour company to a local restaurant, I believe that the places we are in are the most important factor in improving our language skills.

I wrote my story でも良いが、my storyの後は内容が来るからaboutを続けた方が良い

環境が最も重要な要因だ factor

the + 形容詞の最上級 (+名詞) で使われる。だからこそfactorが必要。
She can play tennis (the) best of all.

factor in/of ~の要因

I totally understand that we feel comfortable around other Japanese people.

It is sometimes frustrating for me when I can’t communicate in English properly and smoothly.

文頭のAnd は不必要。

not to communicate はコミュニケーションしないこと、という意味になる。コミュニケーションできない、ではない。

That's why many Japanese people, especially those who have just arrived abroad, tend to remain in a Japanese environment.

~ という人たち→ those who ~

海外に来たばかりの人たち→ those who have just arrived abroad

remain in Japanese environment →日本人の環境に留まる


However, I have to say that you cannot improve your English skills effectively unless you immerse yourself in an English-speaking environment.

immerse oneself in ~につかる、〜に浸る

unless you stay there →曖昧(vague)で不明瞭(unclear)。
English-speaking environment →英語を話す環境

It's necessary to take an "English shower" 24/7.

24/7を使うときに for は必要ない

What is your purpose for your working holiday?

~の目的 purpose for ~

Remind yourself of the purpose for your working holiday.

Let's は「さあ、(一緒に)〜しよう」だから、Let's ~youreselfはおかしい。

Let's remind ourselves ~
Remind yourself〜 が適切。

What brought you here? In my case, it was to improve my English skills in a real English environment.

improving は伸ばしていること(動作のニュアンスがある)
to improveは伸ばすこと(目標や目的のニュアンスがある)
この場合はto improveが適切。

I aim to make the most of my improved English skills to get a job in Japan.


aim to ~を目指す、~をねらう

make the most of ~ ~を(最大限)活かす

向上した英語力を improved English skills

Prioritization is crucial when you seriously want to achieve something.

prioritization(n) 優先順位付け
To prioritize でも文法的には正しい。

When you want to achieve something seriously. この語順は不自然。
When you seriously want to achieve something. が自然。副詞の位置。

When I decided to change jobs in Yellowknife, the decision affected my budget, but I have never regretted it because I followed my priorities.

hurt me at the point of my budget は不自然。
affected my budget 私の予算に影響を与えた。

regret は動詞と名詞。

Before making a decision, you should consider what your top priority is.

you should consider what your most important priority is. でも正しい。
