
#9 Photography In My University Days



#9 Photography In My University Days

Photography reflects your emotion

Recently, I've realized that I didn't take photographs like those in my university days.

Take a look at some pics which I took when I was a university student below.

I noticed small things in daily life, such as cumulonimbus reflecting puddle in the summer, gradationed coloured sky and moss breathing with moisture.

I like these kinds of pictures which show daily beautiful things.

However, in these days, I cannot take pictures like these.

What made this change?

After graduating from university, I was too busy to feel comfortable, so the chances to take photographs remarkably decreased, even though I had always taken my camera everywhere so far.

Photography reflects photographer's mind. As everyday life was getting so busy that I didn't have enough space to find beautiful things beautiful, photographs that I took became boring.

I have to get back my feelings in the days I took at that time, but I still don't know how to do that.



On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate the original English level of this post at 6/10. The ideas are clear, but the phrasing and word choices often come across as awkward or unnatural. With some refinement, the post could sound more fluid and professional.

Chat GTP
Chat GTP

come across as ~に見える、〜の印象を与える、〜に思う
Did I come across as a bitch? 尻軽女に見えた?
I don't want to come across as a show-off. 目立ちたがりに見えるのが嫌だ。

#9 Photography During My University Days



Photography reflects your emotions

I've realized that I no longer take photographs like I did during my university days.


no longer もはや〜ない

→like I did

Take a look at some photos I took when I was a university student, shown below.


the pictures shown below.

I noticed small things in daily life, such as cumulonimbus clouds reflecting in puddles during the summer, a sky coloured in soft gradients, and moss glistening with moisture.


cumulonimbus clouds 積乱雲

reflect in puddles 水たまりの中に反射する

sky coloured in soft gradients 柔らかなグラデーションの色
gradient 勾配、グラジエント、階調度
グラデーションの空 gradient sky

glisten (濡れたもの/磨いたものが)キラキラ輝く、煌めく
→His brow glistened with sweat. 彼の額が汗で光っていた。
His eyes were glistening. 彼の目はキラキラ輝いていた。

I like these kinds of photos that capture the beauty in everyday things.


photos that capture the beauty

However, these days, I find myself unable to take photos like these.


find OC
find myself unable to ~

What caused this change?


What caused this change?
A cause B

After graduating from university, I became too busy to relax, and my opportunities to take photos significantly decreased, even though I had always carried my camera with me until then.


become too busy to~

carry something with me

so far → これまで

until then → それまで

Photography reflects the photographer's state of mind. As my life became increasingly busy, I no longer had the mental space to appreciate beauty, and the photos I took became dull.


state of mind

the mental space to appreciate beauty

dull 面白くない、退屈、単調
boring 退屈な、うんざりするような

→a dull knife 鈍なナイフ、よくきれないナイフ
a dull pupil 鈍感な生徒、わかりの遅い、愚鈍な生徒
dull sight 鈍い視力
a dull book 面白くない本

bore うんざるさせる、退屈させる
→His lecture bored me. 彼の講義は退屈だ。
He bores me with his pointless tales. 彼の無意味な話にはうんざりする。

I need to rediscover the feelings I had back then, but I still don't know how.



the feeling I had

back then 当時
→I used to be popular back then. 当時は人気があった。
He is popular from back then. 彼は当時から人気だ。

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