
#10 The Balance between Optimism and Seriousness


Excessive Seriousness Decreases Our Quality Of Lives

I have sometimes been told that I am too serious.

I've already noticed that, and sometimes, this character suffered me. Whether I couldn't enjoy dinner with my friends during the time before exams. There was no mental space to enjoy situations due to too much seriousness.

It's necessary to face at this character and handle it.

Be Optimistic As Usual, Be Serious Sometimes.

Some people stigmatize optimism as irresponsibility, but I believe it is necessary to enjoy our lives.

The balance between optimism and seriousness matters. As it depends on characteristics of each person, it is good for me to be usually optimistic and be sometimes serious.

Being optimistic at any difficult situation is one of the good skills, while being too much optimistic deteriorates themselves as well.

I hope to find a good balance for me and live a better life mentally.



Rating 6/10

On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate the original English level of this blog post as a 6. The meaning was clear overall, but there were several grammatical issues, awkward phrasing, and some expressions that weren’t idiomatic. However, with a few adjustments, the post reads much more smoothly and naturally.

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Excessive Seriousness Decreases Our Quality of Life


「人生の質」という意味でQuality of lifeというならこのまま使う。

I have sometimes been told that I am too serious.

I’ve already noticed this, and sometimes, this trait has caused me to suffer.


trait 特性、特色、特徴

cause me to suffer 苦しめる原因になった
suffer 経験する、被る、受ける、辛抱する、我慢する(否定形で)、苦しむ、悩む、被害を被る
The injured man was still suffering. 怪我をした男はまだ苦しんでいた。
Our neighborhood is suffering from noise pollution. 近隣住民は騒音に悩んでいる
The factory suffered severe damage in the fire.被害を被った
187 customers suffered food poison. 食中毒の被害に遭った
I cannot suffer this insult. 侮辱に耐えられない。
【A suffer B】AがBを苦しめる という使い方はない!!
A cause B to suffer AがBを苦しめる原因になる。(AのせいでBがsufferする。)

For example, I couldn’t enjoy dinner with my friends before exams because my mind was too focused on the seriousness of the situation.


my mind was too focused on~

I lacked the mental space to enjoy the moment.


その瞬間を楽しむ enjoy the moment

It's necessary to face this trait and learn to manage it.


~と向き合う face
face 目的語
The building faces the square. その建物は広場に面している。
They faced each other. 彼らはお互いに向き合った。
He tried to face death bravely. 彼は勇敢に死に向き合おうとした
He faced the problem. 彼は問題に直面した。
You have to face up to your responsibility now that you have grown up.君はもう大人になったのだから責任を自覚しなければならない(直視しなければならない)。

Be Optimistic Most of the Time, Be Serious When Needed

Some people stigmatize optimism as irresponsibility, but I believe it is essential to enjoying life.


essential 非常に重要な、本質的で重要

The balance between optimism and seriousness is important.


matter ~にとって(to)重要である、問題になる
If you're happy, nothing else matters. 君が幸せなら何も問題ない。
All that matters is that you arrive safely. 君が無事についてくれさえすれば問題ない。
It doesn't matter what color towels you buy. 何色のタオルを買っても問題ない。
It doesn't matter. 問題ないよ。
それがどうしたの?何が問題なの? What does it matter?

Since it depends on individual characteristics, for me, it’s best to be generally optimistic and serious when required.


,for me, を間に挟むことで私にとっては、と言える。

it’s best to be generally optimistic and serious when required.

when needed
when required

Being optimistic in difficult situations is a valuable skill, but excessive optimism can also be detrimental.


good skill →valuable skill

can be detrimental 有害になりうる、悪いものになりうる
A は悪いものになりうる
A can be detrimental

I hope to find a good balance that works for me and to live a mentally healthier life.


→the balance that works for me

mentally healthier
