
#1 What a hard "Mover"!




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What a hard "Mover"! (Original)

Do you know the job called "Mover"? This work is helping clients to carry something stuff from one place to another when they move. You can usually make higher late hourly wages than other jobs.

Why do they offer such high late wages? This is why this work is definitely hard. Let me tell you about what I experienced in mover job in Canada.

25CAD~30CAD hourly wage !!!

A week ago, I found a job which offers a distinctive high hourly wage in the job lists.

"Mover, $25~$30 hourly wage + Gratuity"

I couldn't believe this wage at first time because almost all jobs for non-experienced workers or no licensed workers offer just $15~$18 at most $20. They needed part-time workers and this meets my needs. That's why I emailed a manager and finally got the job.

He told me to pick me up at Canmore which is next to Banff where I live. It took about 50 minutes by bus from Banff to Canmore, and it cost $6 halfway. I knew the Mover job needed a bit of physical toughness, but I didn't realize how hard it would be at that time.

With two beefy guys like builts of giant

When they picked me up, I realized the job might not suit me. They both looked like giants and I could see their muscles like mountain rocks even above t-shirts. Actually, I had confidence in my physical toughness before encountering them, but I was completely beaten by seeing their muscles made by organized protein and gym.

Both guys from Australia were friendly although they looked like fighter dogs. They told me that this work is usually done by two persons and one driver. I sometimes couldn't understand what they were saying so I enjoyed listening to and viewing from the passenger side.

Repeatedly Heavy Lifting

Once we started working, we needed to go and back many times to carry heavy boxes and furniture. The staircase in which the house we moved stuff was fiercely steep so we got in trouble to carry in BBQ machine to the second floor. The BBQ machine has wheels on one side but we had to lift to go up to the second floor. We daren't move quickly while carrying it in case of hurts walls. With the power of three, finally, we made it.

Experience as a Mover

After completing the work, I got a different perspective than before. The mover needs typical training in heavy lifting even though you like sports and have confidence in your physical toughness. I played football for 17 years until graduating from university and I was sure to keep doing it even if it would be hard. However, I don't think I can keep it now.

"Mover" is a good job apart from heavy lifting

You could make money a lot if you can carry heavy stuff repeatedly! Otherwise, you should get other jobs before getting hurt on your back.



English Level: 6/10
Explanation: The post demonstrates basic English proficiency but contains frequent grammatical errors, awkward phrasing, and incorrect word choices. With some polishing, it could be much clearer and more engaging.

Chat GTP
Chat GTP

Do you know the job called a "Mover"? This job involves helping clients move their belongings from one place to another. You can usually earn a higher hourly wage compared to other jobs.

involve ①(当然)〜を含む、〜を伴う②巻き込む③夢中にさせる

He is involved with the musician. そのミュージシャンに夢中だ。

Why do they offer such high wages? The reason is that this work is definitely hard. Let me tell you about my experience as a mover in Canada.

25CAD~30CAD per hour !!!

A week ago, I found a job listing(一つの求人!) that offered a distinctively high hourly wage.

I couldn`t believe the wage at first because most jobs for inexperienced or unlicensed workers offer just $15~$18, at most $20. They needed part-time workers, which met my needs, so I emailed the manager and eventually got the job.

almost all →99%
most →80~98%

He told me he would pick me up in Canmore, which is next to Banff, where I live. It took about 50 minutes by bus from Banff to Canmore, and it cost $6 one way. I knew that being a mover required some physical toughness, but I didn't realize just how hard it would be.

"told me to pick up" だと私にピックアップするよう(命令・指示)に言った、と言う意味になる。
「〜だと言った」はtell me (that/wh)節が来る

With two beefy guys built like giants

When they picked me up, I realized the job might not suit me. They both looked like giants, and I could see their muscles bulging even through their t-shirts. I had confidence in my physical strength before meeting them, but I was completely intimidated by their muscles, clearly sculpted through rigorous workouts.

bulge: 膨らむ、隆起する

intimidate 威圧する、怖がらせる

even thorough their t-shirts: Tシャツを通してでさえも

sculp: 彫刻、彫る→(筋トレで筋肉を)彫る感じ

Both guys from Australia were friendly, even though they looked like fighters. They told me that this job is usually done by two people and one driver. I sometimes couldn't understand what they were saying, but I enjoyed listening and admiring the view from the passenger seat.

admire the view: 景色を楽しむ、見惚れる

Repeated Heavy Lifting

Once we started working, we had to go back and forth many times to carry heavy boxes and furniture. The staircase in the house where we moved the items was incredibly steep, so we struggled to carry a BBQ machine to the second floor. The BBQ machine had wheels on one side, but we had to lift it to get it up the stairs. We couldn't move quickly while carrying it, in case we damaged the walls. With the strength of the three of us, we finally managed it.

・go back and forth: 行き交う、行ったり来たりする
・fiercely : 激しく、獰猛に
・steep: (勾配が)急な
・struggle to ~するのにもがいている(苦労している)
・get it up 持ち上げる(upの状態にする)

Experience as a Mover

After completing the work, I gained a different perspective. Being a mover requires specific training in heavy lifting, even if you enjoy sports and are confident in your physical strength. I played football for 17 years until I graduated from university, and I was sure I could keep doing it, no matter how hard it got. However, I don't think I can keep doing it now.

・confident: (adj)→自信がある
・specific: 具体的な、特定の

"Mover" is a good job, apart from the heavy lifting

You can make a lot of money if you can repeatedly carry heavy items! Otherwise, you should find another job before you hurt your back.

・hurt 痛める、傷つける(自動詞)
→He hurt his knee. 彼は膝を痛めた。
The rumor hurts his reputation. 評判を傷つける
・hurt 痛む、気分を害する
→My knee hurts. 膝が痛む
 Her remarks hurt. 彼女の言葉が気分を害する

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